why did egyptians worship cats

Ancient Egyptians not only worshipped cats, but also adored them as their family members. Did the Romans really use bum sponges? Greetings, all. Cats were first domesticated in Egypt some 10,000 years ago after a few felines strayed into agricultural farms. Ancient Egyptians would leave mummified animals (both real and fake) and statuettes as offerings to the cult of the god. How Can A Cockroach Survive Without Its Head? Slaying of Apep. Ancient Egyptians were deeply devoted to their cats and worshipped them for two main reasons. Different animals were revered for different reasons. Like Mafdet, she was regarded as a fierce protector of the home (and especially of children and royalty), largely because of cats’ renowned ability to kill snakes, scorpions, and other vermin. Why Is It So Special? Article by History. Their love of cats spread globally and, as we see online everywhere today, feline admiration is alive and well in the 21st century. Imagine living in a time and place where every home was teeming with tiny, dangerous beasts. check out my fellow engager Arendse's blog post . He was known as the god-protector of children. Some homes kept crocodiles as pets. Apep (sometimes called Apophis) was an underworld serpent god associated with darkness and chaos. 8 Reasons for This Behavior →, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? Some new threat lurked at every corner: asps hiding in clay jars, rats spoiling massive amounts of . history, the goddess Bastet (sometimes just "Bast") replaced Mafdet as the feline goddess of choice. Cats are thought to have been worshipped by some ancient Egyptians and possibly associated with deities because cats hunted many of the creatures — such as vermin and insects — that threatened Egypt's food supply. Besides being great companions, cats may have actually saved civilization from starvation and disease. They protected people from rats and mice that contaminated food supplies, scorpions and snakes that killed vital members of families. 10 Potential Reasons for This Behavior. However, not only did the Egyptians made statues in honor to cats, but also many other items and objects related to this worshiped animal. ExcitedCats is reader-supported. The Egyptians were so reluctant to engage in battle, due to the fear of harming cats, that they surrendered to defeat and let the Egyptian kingdom be conquered by Persians. It’s no wonder that generations of Egyptians were drawn to worship them. Ancient Egyptian cats enjoyed a sacred status in the religion of this country and cat deities existed even before the formation of the Kingdom itself in 3100 BC. For instance, if a person were to kill a cat, even by accident, the penalty would be death. Over the years, she has moved around so much that there’s been no time to settle down and own a pet. But most people preferred birds or dogs as pets. The ancient Egyptians revered Ra as the god who created everything. To slow her down, he provided her with red-colored beer to substitute for the blood she craved. Next time you see one on the street, you may want to treat it with a bit more respect, just like ancient civilizations were doing thousands of years ago! How Big Is It and Does It Bite? Question: Letters of Royal Women in Babylonia Period What kinds of roles and responsibilities did royal women of the Old Babylonian period have? Found insideWell-documented study of bees, hives, and beekeepers, along with rare illustrations as they appear in ancient paintings, sculpture, on coins, jewelry, and Mayan glyphs. Why Did Egyptians Worship Cats? One of the earliest deities of ancient Egypt was the goddess Mafdet, who was highly revered by people seeking protection against venomous animals like snakes and scorpions. People worshipped her widely, as she was also associated with womanhood and fertility. Later in Egyptian history, Mafdet was replaced by the goddess Bastet. In lower Egypt, Bastet, who was a more famous goddess, replaced Mafdet. When a household cat died, the owners would mummify them, offer them as a sacrifice at a temple, then shave off their eyebrows to mourn for their cat until the eyebrows grew back. The goddess Freyja was their goddess of magic, divination, war, wealth and fertility. This was associated with a temple to Bastet. We have a lot to thank cats for, and it’s fascinating to see how the Egyptians did that in their own way. When the British discovered thousands of cat mummies in excavating temples, they were reportedly exported back to Britain to be used as fertilizer. At the ancient site of Saqqara, just outside Cairo, a 4,500-year-old tomb has yielded an unexpected bounty: dozens of mummified cats and cat statues. Some new threat lurked at every corner: asps hiding in clay jars, rats spoiling massive amounts of stored grain, venomous scorpions creeping under cradles. And they used to worship cats And had believed cats are . Ironically, the Persians DID use cats in battle. Trinkets like intricate bracelets, soapstone cat amulets and rings, golden cat pendants or necklaces could be seen on a daily basis. | A Beginner’s Guide to Dark Matter, What Exactly is a Tesseract? Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? Found insideThey had good-sized brains, and their senses were well developed. ... Mesopotamians and Egyptians who developed and spread civilisation worshipped cats, ... In ancient Egyptian mythology, baboons are best known for their association with Thoth, the god of wisdom. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Why Did Egyptians Worship Cats? The origin of this name is not clear but it seems likely that it is an onomatopoetic reference to the sound a cat makes (mew). Found inside – Page 300But it may be said , that it seems not parity , “ To worship the host of heaven ; " rather it should be , to worship cats and dogs , as the Egyptians did . Ancient Egyptians' love of cats developed from an appreciation of their rodent-catching skills to revering them as sacred creatures. The ancient pyramids? She studies wild Asian elephants (their behavior and genetics, interactions with humans) for a living, and thinks it’s the coolest job in the world. The Sphinx? They worshipped a Cat Goddess, often represented as half feline, half woman, whom they called Bastet. When their pet cat died, the family would shave their eyebrows to mourn and would continue mourning until their eyebrows grew back. The single . But that was just a bonus. The ancient Egyptians did not worship cats, but they did believe that cats had magical powers. He often took on feline figures when depicted by ancient Egyptians. Cats, once the most beloved and treasured pets, have in recent times, lost that title to … the dog. Find out about everyday life in ancient Egypt - the toys children played with, what music was popular, how people dressed, and what they ate - in this essential reference guide. Because cats could protect against the tiny monsters that made Egyptian homes unsafe, Mafdet was regarded as the protector of the home- and of the kingdom itself! The cult of the cat, as it was known, was functional in Egypt right since the 16 th century BCE. Cambyses II took advantage of the pharaohs love for cats and used it to take over the Egyptian empire (Photo Credit : Paul-Marie Lenoir/Wikimedia Commons). thus, they protected both the egyptians and their food stores. One of the most divine creatures of the past. The ancient Egyptians did not worship cats, but they did believe that cats had magical powers. Found insideCats gained prominence in ancient Egypt, where they were associated with different ... that those early Egyptians did not actually worship cats—they did not ... Cleopatra? Bastet, who was half-feline and a half-woman, was known as the keeper of homes, a guardian against evil and disease. In one place goats, in another sheep, in a third hippopotami, in a fourth crocodiles, in a fifth vultures, in a sixth frogs, in a seventh shrew-mice. While dogs were valued for their ability to protect and hunt, cats were thought to be the most special. Across eons, and even today, cultures around the world revere cats. Egyptians worshiped wild and domestic cats alike. Cat Shock Collars: Are They Safe? As such, when cats died, they were wrapped in fine linen and transported to Bubastis where they would be mummified . First, it should be noted they viewed Hwt-Hrw (Hathor) specifically as originated in inner Africa. The goddess Bastet was the cat goddess which was originally a warlikeCat lioness but eventually became associated with domesticated cats. It was said that Cambyses knew of Egypt’s love for cats, which he used to his advantage during the war. Ancient Egyptians, Catanzariti says, "mummified cats to give them as a sacrifice or offerings to temples. She was very popular and a festival honoring her was regularly held, one of the biggest celebrations in Egypt. In ancient Egypt the cat was revered as no other beast in that they were mummified, sat upon the thrones of kings, and often found themselves in the company of the great names throughout history. Ancient Egyptians' love of cats developed from an appreciation of their rodent-catching skills to revering them as sacred creatures. Because cats could protect against the tiny monsters that made Egyptian homes unsafe, Mafdet was regarded as the protector of the home– and of the kingdom itself! It's well known that the ancient Egyptians loved their cats and that they were one of the first civilisations to have worshipped them as holy deities. Are Babies Born To Be Able To Speak More Than One Language. Cats the saviors of agricultural food, and more importantly, humans! Found inside – Page 184THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS & GODS Why did the Egyptians worship cats? If you're an avid cat person, the answer of course is self-evident: Because cats are divine. Apart from their physical appearance, cats were also known to be highly regarded from a spiritual perspective. Why Did Egyptians Worship Cats? Found inside – Page 87The citizens of the city of Bubastis also worshipped cats based on the goddess Bast (who was the goddess of protection, the sun, and the moon). Egyptians ... However, he quickly realized that this was a mistake, and Sakhmet was getting out of control. You get to give a cuddly feline…, It’s that dreaded time again. The Ancient Egyptians did worship cats because the rodents were eating all of the Egyptians' grains and they found that the cats were catching all of the rodents for them. Cats were very popular in terms of jewelry. Found insidecenturies B.C. Herodotus, who visited the center of the Egyptian cat cult in Bubastis ... The Egyptians' cat worship clearly did serve as a vector for the ... Norse cat worship. Found insideThere were some very ambitious collectors outthere, some who passed beyond fanaticism. ... Didn't the Egyptians worship cats or something? All amazing inventions, of course, but for me, the first thing that pops into my head is cats! Simple Explanation and Examples in Everyday Life, Digestive System: Ingestion to Egestion Explained in Simple Words, What is Radioactivity and Is It Always Harmful: Explained in Really Simple Words, Ancient Egyptians and their utmost devotion to cats. The Egyptians would never have put cats in harm's way; they had laws against causing cats any harm or stress. The ancient Egyptians worshipped many thousands of gods and deities who ruled over all aspects of their lives. Ancient Egyptians learned early on that feral cats were saving their harvest by feeding on scavengers. Coefficient Of Restitution: Definition, Explanation And Formula. Found inside – Page 1So also the ancient Egyptians worshipped cat, also crocodiles and beetles and all kinds of things; but they were all serious and made their worshippers ... (Photo Credit : Internet Archive Book Images/Wikimedia Commons). It is common knowledge that Egyptians, treat cats with a higher form of respect. Besides being great companions, cats may have actually saved civilization from starvation and disease. Why did the Egyptians worship cats? How Do Rare Sea Creatures Find Each Other To Breed? An ancient Egyptian cat mummy. The popular perception of ancient Egyptian cats has been driven by which monuments happen to survive to present day, but an examination of additional data reveals a striped surprise. Found inside“Did I ever tell you that the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats? ... “Do you know the statistics about how much cat food Americans buy a year? The answer is yes, the Egyptians did in fact worship cats. What Is The Fibonacci Sequence? Legend has it that both Mafdet and. The ancient Egyptians were renowned for their worship of animals, and one of these was the baboon. Cat Worship. Article by History. You ll also want to find out how to care for the Egyptian mau. So check out this go-to guide for Egyptian mau lovers and learn all about why Egyptian maus are the best breed there is! Found inside – Page 117“Cats were held sacred by Bast,” Micah continued, “and this is probably why many people believe the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. The truth, as I said, ... Ancient Egyptians did not adore animals as simply pets. What You Need to Know! Before that, there was only scoffing at Jewish slaves and spank (actually lash) the virgin for entertainment. Especially the growing of grain following the Nile's flood-season and storing it until the next planting season. With today’s modern homebuilding, technology, and pest control, it’s hard to imagine cats as the protector they once were to people in ancient times. Found insideEgypt Egyptians may not have been the first to worship cats, but they were certainly the most enthusiastic. Ancient Egyptians believed that all cats were ... The ancient Egyptians had many pets. As the sacred companion to ancient Egyptians, cats served nobly in many roles. To honor […] Why Do Bats Hang Upside Down While They Sleep? Re: why did the egyptians worship siamese cats? Why the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats Cats have a unique way of showing their affection, and their playful nature and love for curling up on laps dates all the way back to ancient Egyptian times. The greatest example is that of the Battle of Pelusium (525 BCE), when Cambyses II from Persia conquered Egypt. The Worship of Cats. This arises for two reasons: the first, due to the worship of the gods. Originally published as: Handbook of Egyptian mythology. c2002. Ancient Egyptian societies were primarily agrarian and faced numerous problems in terms of keeping their produce away from pests like mice, rats, and snakes. Cats are an important part of Egyptian history, therefore an important part of the history of humankind. Well, ancient Egyptians valued their cats for two main reasons; one, because they protected agriculture from being eaten by rodents, and two, because they were deeply ingrained in their faith and belief systems. She calls Colorado home, but has also recently resided in China, Iowa, and Puerto Rico. Clearly written text offers an answer to the question of why ancient Egyptians mummified thousands and thousands of cats. An easy-to-understand introduction to ancient Egyptian history. She was often portrayed as a fierce and fearful goddess, with the head of a cheetah, lion, or housecat. The ancient Egyptians mourned their cats by shaving off their eyebrows. Cats were also linked to many religions during Ancient Egyptian times. People in Egypt who came to her needed protection from venomous snakes and scorpions. Along with hieroglyphics, obelisks and geometric patterns, cats feature prominently in. It is common knowledge that Egyptians worshipped a cat god and mummified their cats. Anyone who’s ever known a spoiled tomcat knows that cats have never forgotten the days when they were worshiped. When they began marching towards the city of Pelusium, several cats led the way, while the rest were held in the arms of Persian soldiers. Perhaps, though, none is more notable than the love of cats shown by ancient Egyptians. To get the latest on pet adoption and pet care, sign up to hear from us. It's Lucinda the literate cat. Bastet, along with all cats found in Egypt was worshipped to keep the gods happy. Your female cat is showing the signs that she’s going into heat, and you’re wondering…, The Turkish Angora was first imported to Ankara, Turkey by Egyptian traders in the 14th century. Ancient Egyptians worshipped many different animals for thousands of years. Cats were considered important and possessed a status equivalent . In this time and place– Ancient Egypt– one creature existed that could make the world safe from these little monsters: the cat. Found inside – Page 39Who was this monarch , and when did he live ? 87. The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats amongst their gods . What is the probable reason for their so doing ... the reason is quite simple: cats are pest control. What Would Happen If You Shot A Bullet On A Train? For instance, the goddess Mafdet, who resembled a cheetah, was one of Egypt’s earliest deities. Some new threat lurked at every corner: asps hiding in clay jars, rats spoiling massive amounts of stored grain . That is contrary to modern mainstream thought that places the orig. overtime, this came to them being honored and eventually deified with the goddess Bastet (aka Bast or Baast, iirc) Why Did the Egyptians Worship Cats? They valued cattle for several reasons. Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them. Find a new one to replace it. Found inside – Page 300But it may be said , that it seems not parity , “ To worship the host of heaven ; " rather it should be , to worship cats and dogs , as the Egyptians did . Soon, many households began leaving food for cats to tempt them to visit their houses more regularly. Cats once saved lives by defending families from vermin. The figures documented in ancient hieroglyphics are given dimension in this absorbing volume, which examines the characteristics and significance of many of the Egyptian gods and goddesses and also looks at related topics such as ancient ... Besides being great companions, cats may have actually saved civilization from starvation and disease. Bastet was a personification of the sun and had the head of a cat and body of a female. But she notes Egyptians didn't worship cats. The ancient Egyptians sought to seek. If you think the world is cat obsessed . Revised and updated edition Before humanity had the technology and innovation we have today, like plastic containers to protect our food and solid walls and seals to keep poisonous creatures out, we relied on animals like the cat to protect our homes and ourselves. She spends most of her free time soaking her feet in the cold waters of the Bay of Bengal. Egyptian animal mummies were an integral part of ancient life. In one shipment, there were over 180,000 cat mummies. As Egyptians truly domesticated their cats, making them valued family members rather than just semi-feral animals that stalked and protected their owner’s homes, Bastet’s image became a lot softer– she became a goddess of family, fertility, and love. Found inside – Page 86“ But did you not once tell us that the Egyptians worship cats ? ” “ Formerly they did so , Amelia , ” said Mrs. Melworth ; " but there are various ... The Egyptians were very dependent on grains for their main staples of bread and beer, and they knew how much the cats contributed to their lives and economy by keeping rats and mice in check. For starters, they helped protect agricultural produce from rodents who would feed on different harvests thereby spoiling them. A sculpture of a Bastet goddess, half-woman, half-cat. Other cat gods developed over time; including the . Dark Matter Explained: What Exactly is Dark Matter? He asked his men to gather as many cats as possibe and even paint images of cats on their battle shields. Sekhmet & Bastet: The Feline Powers of Egypt is a detailed study of the history, mythology, symbolism and worship of the lion and cat goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Although the Egyptians didn't worship the cats they had on earth, there were some feline deities to whom they had great respect and even fear. Learn more. The Ancient Egyptians held cats in the highest esteem, the penalties for injuring or killing a cat were severe. Ancient Egyptians worshipped many animals for thousands of years. What You Need to Know! Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws →, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? In 1250 B.C. the teenaged son of the Egyptian high priest sets off a series of harrowing events when he accidentally kills the sacred cat of Bubastes and, accompanied by his sister and two foreign slaves, embarks on a dangerous journey to ... Ancient Egyptian legend says that the sun god, Re, was once very angry with humanity. She found mummies disgusting, pyramids boring, and pharaohs just plain confusing. The Norse did their fair share of cat worshiping. Some may even treat their cats like royalty… What if, however, we actually did worship our cats? But they were, and for good reason. So, now you know why Egyptians loved their cats so much! Found inside – Page 300But it may be said , that it seems not parity , “ To worship the host of heaven ; " rather it should be , to worship cats and dogs , as the Egyptians did . Carla groaned upon receiving the assignment. Found insideEgyptian. Cat. n amazing discovery was recently made by British scientists: using ... underestimates how much ancient Egyptians really worshipped Cats! Bes did not have his own temple as many other gods and goddesses had. However, Bastet was the most famous among all cat goddesses. Egyptians believed cats played key roles in safeguarding critical food supplies by feeding on mice and rodents that ate precious grains and crops, and cats also protected humans from large and dangerous predators, which made cats worship worthy. Began in Egypt some 10,000 years ago after a few felines strayed into agricultural farms to Egypt! The Fish with human Teeth Breeds: an Overview ( with Pictures ), when a Hurricane Strikes, Exactly. Small house cat many from that ancient region in China, Iowa, and more importantly humans... East of the most famous among all cat goddesses were worshipped were valued for their association with,! 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