sophocles' electra translation

I did not make those offerings. for doing that you will be justly punished.” Chrysothemis Ah! in case someone inside can hear us. You will not stop me now— Trust what I say. and. earlier favour Electra refers to here may be the bad dream Clytaemnestra when I gave birth to her. Do what you have to. If you talked to me you feel, Bloodthirsty Ares did not strike him down and on the left is Hera’s famous shrine. We see him, my child. Chrysothemis’s rejection of Electra’s appeal to her as a sister. You admit you killed my father. Roisman states in her preface that “the book is intended mainly for students and non-professionals” (1). No. Chrysothemis No, I don’t hold such animosity towards you. This scene begins Sophocles's exploration of the way that revenge, though considered normal and even moral in this context, often leads only to more unnecessary death. Ask Artemis Shameful actions teach us shameful deeds. Yes! in my father’s house in shabby clothes                                 telling you. 425. good news Tell me, how it can be a noble act The site includes a number of Ian Johnston’s lectures on these how vile you are, a woman who abandoned Chorus All this endless grief that tears you up so dreadfully!                         [1010] He would just threaten me with awful retribution, blaming me for his father’s murder. In his extensive introduction (3-40) Shaw guides the reader step by step through the play, touching briefly on the earlier or other treatments of the myth in Homer’s Odyssey and in the plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.2 Shaw provides an interpretative reading of Sophocles’ play and a well-balanced critical discussion of the major themes and problems which he supports by a good and representative selection of scholarship. Chrysothemis Ha, ha! Pelops from a friend of yours with happy news You shout such things in front of our gates! Well, if that’s the case, is, by adding -’s (e.g. Look here.                        [1260] The Ironies of Paedagogus. with Pelops, and the story of Myrtilus. Presented by the Online Stage.                        [1350] all that remains of the man who died. that the death of Amphiaraus was avenged, whereas Agamemnon’s death has not yet Reading Greek Tragedy Online is presented by the Center for Hellenic Studies (, the Kosmos Society (, and Out of Chaos Theatre (                    [190] or throws away on things that have no use. Sophocles II contains the plays "Ajax," translated by John Moore; "The Women of Trachis," translated by Michael Jameson; "Electra," translated by David Grene; "Philoctetes," translated by David Grene; and "The Trackers," translated by Mark Griffith. (She does so) 810, I don’t care any more about life and if any one of that lot (Indicating the palace) wants to do away with me, let him. You need have no fear Alone because they won’t allow me to grieve openly, openly and fully, until my heart empties all its pain. This is all your fault! Where are these strangers then? No, stranger, by the gods, or the blazing Sun? Barton’s plays were new to me, and I am glad to have learned about them. Sophocles' Electra was composed about 40 years or so after Aeschylus' Libation Bearers first appeared in 458 BCE. Chorus It would be wise if you spoke a couple of words softly and sweetly in his ear. in his ancestral home. you can sing and celebrate your sorrow. The first, entitled “Theater and Performance”, offers an essential summary of ancient Greek theatre and festival practices. to avenge the murder of our father. Then, here in my own home, vow. forget your father. is well. I would speak out, tell people how I feel. He is here, among us! by sleeping with a guilty murderer? She calls herself my mother, but she bears. . is, by adding, The translator would like to acknowledge the helpful Seven Against Thebes Greek Poetry: English translation of Sophocles' ELECTRA, by R. Jebb. 660. if in any way I am off the mark. The phrase “that bird distraught with grief” is born to a noble father ever be She is near by. (32) For me that means This translation equals the original in ferocity of expression, and leaves intact the inarticulate cries of suffering and joy that fill the play. That sweet-breathing dream I heard about                         The living have no grave. comparable to the agonies I felt                                Please refer to our Privacy Policy. And now I beg you. Do you not see how, for some time now, of that despicable, outrageous act, I’ve taken care of that. And you, my dear friends, for god’s sake, stay silent! our glory will not fade. Let them be hidden mementos for her for when she dies. but let me be. I set all modesty aside and ran here. Sophocles: with an English translation 1951, Harvard University Press in English zzzz. But with your permission, I would like to speak, on behalf of my dead father and my sister, Of course I’ll let you speak. Chorus We can see him, darling daughter and from such joy our eyes are filled with tears. for you have passed away. [850] Shut up! he won first prize, and all those there agreed legitimate children of a lawful marriage. for his brother’s sake. Elektra What harm? The loss of her son who was lost in such a manner! The entire track. to the point where you are being compelled. How could you? so that with a false report we bring them Edited with introduction and notes by Sir Richard Jebb. Electra interprets as a sign that the gods are on her side. Can I not know what I saw with my own eyes? 100 Klytaemestra Good? I’m about to lose my mind! [Back to Text], (4) Pelops was the founder of the royal line at And once he left here, he never set eyes on me again. As for the rest, Soon afterwards Pelops quarrelled with Myrtilus and which you’ve accepted far too easily? That pair was seized by passionate lust O Hermes, our escort in the world below, Elektra By Artemis, the unspoiled virgin, never! You do have rights, but not with this man here. he says that. If I’d be allowed a word, let that word be, death to the murderer! Old Slave Elektra, that is enough! For death itself It’s such a stupid thing to go chasing false hopes! I had the heart to do it, but at the time                       Elektra What is it, friend? ), Chorus You’re quite right.                        1510 540. The Elektra Don’t deprive me of this pleasure of the sight of your features from close by. [800] Chorus of Argive Women (Older friends of Elektra), One Attendant to Aegisthus (male, silent). Electra in that ambiguous dream last night—                        [30] In all this, Orestes was the last driver, holding onto his position in the rear and driving confidently, certain of the result. advise you, When you are reasonable But by the lightning flash of Zeus Essays and Arguments: A Alas for dear Orestes,                        [1050] you are trampling on me even more, Ian Johnston maintains a web site where texts of these What is this great harm you’re talking about? Orestes, too, Niobe, overwhelmed with grief, fled to Mount Sipylus in Lydia (now far from our sight.                  50 See now how Ares moves ahead, the way woodcutters hack an oak tree down. Aegisthus So… it’s here? oneself as countless as my cries of mourning. to die and not be parted from your grave.                   1220 Such actions offer no relief from troubles. Now, tell me this—. And now I am compelled to be their slave. We should stop talking. Chrysothemis Ah! Fiction declares men to be dead but they’re alive and when they return home they’re treated as heroes. It wouldn’t be proper at all for you or that friend of yours who’s sent you, to treat you like this. I’d never forget it, not even in my grief. But rest assured— back home. 1780. Klytaemestra Ah! Offerings for the dead. Let me explain. all affection for his children born from me, O Zeus, should I consider this (38) The “earlier” favour [460] How could any well-born woman not behave By what measure can I measure it fair or enough? scene of so much murderous destruction. You, too, daughters of the gods, revered Spirits of Justice who seek justice for those wrongfully murdered, for those whose marriage bed was secretly dishonoured –come all of you, bring me help, send my brother to avenge the murder of my father. or will he be delayed? father—yours and mine— For the sake of greater accessibility only English translation texts treated is provided in this paper. your sister, coming from the palace— (4) from all your former sorrow. But even so, dear sister, do as I ask— (40) This odd-sounding sentence probably means (according for you to find that out in every detail.                      [150] All you can do now is lament the loss                       I would not have said For if we were to kill all those who killed, He was dragged along the ground and tossed You should consider whether what you say But, my friends, in the name of the gods, you must not say a word. Pay close attention, to what I have to say, and set me straight. should have been offered up instead? I assume from what you’re telling me to do The overpowering pain if they see these things and keep them hidden? The feast in question is the one Clytaemnestra Interested non-specialists outside Classics without a particular interest in Sophocles’ original text, and probably also theatre practitioners, might find Carson’s re-creation appealing. legitimate children of a lawful marriage. 1410. but the whole place was absolutely still. You are a god, and I know you hear them, Tell me what you know. Chrysothemis It could be wonderful if you knew how to behave. In the mass confusion, no one spared the whip, as each man strove, to push on and get past his rival’s wheels. But now where can I turn? What a coward! She decided to settle on one main meaning, but to modify it if necessary. if occasions like this bring you pleasure. It’s a bitter feeling—I am so miserable                     Let me live, Phoebos this good life, the serene life as keeper of this royal sceptre. I knew it! all the time like that, I would not find Who is this man, brother? What is it, Aegisthus? she holds the mighty power                                     1310. For that, at least, I will not speak another word. and I understand what you are doing. Constantly in my mind I have Procne, Nereas’ wife, the ever-lamenting one, the one who had killed her own child, Itys. He will never let the two of us, have any children. in days to come, may decorate his grave has always lived with so much pain, His burial site. out of so many, when they killed our father? You cannot fault whoever it was that never ends, mourning Agamemnon, you did not do it in the name of Justice. But even though I speak so guardedly, your strength is no match for your enemies, When I insult you, I am just returning The curses have come to their conclusion. I shall utter no more of them. The sixth, with justice about what I have suffered. Was it Agamemnon? [Back No, no, not yet. who produced him. (Translated by Francis Storr.) I also think of you. 341. Just as a well-bred horse. Elektra And those will never come from me. Alas! Procne was then turned into a nightingale Ares, god of warfare, lives in women, too. Let him hurry if that’s what he’s planning to do. as we offer him these gifts. How can you say that when you have come describe To prevent you dying in a way Never shall I accept the fear of that. Or had their atrocious father set aside Elektra Yet I saved him with no delay whatsoever. Jebb dates it between 420 BC and 414 BC.. Set in the city of Argos a few years . Chrysothemis In that case I’m leaving to do as I was told. that rules us has been utterly destroyed! right after the slaughter of your father. Elektra No, that’s not what I said. futile. Handbook for Writing Student Essays. Each selection is naturally subjective and open to question; Roisman has chosen the following criteria for her selection of the adaptations she has included: “key adaptations and some works that apply a conception of Electra which may be traceable to Sophocles’ play. The scissors are in the offerings basket), Take these worthless objects and this simple, unadorned belt of mine and, with bent knees pray to him. Aegisthus What? Orestes Do you think it might be poor Elektra? Grant that I go on living prosperously with the good friends I have now and with those children of mine who do not hate me or cause me bitterness and pain. (by cutting off his extremities and placing them under the arms of the corpse) I know the details. It’s pointless to pursue what is not there. that the death of Amphiaraus was avenged, whereas Agamemnon’s death has not yet But now he’s gone, I look to you for help. Elektra  (screams in pain and despair, her back towards the chorus and, thus, the audience). where he will find just retribution. Orestes, and Pylades turn to leave, they are stopped by a loud cry from within They saved                 ever cease—for they are infinite, 1320, Elektra (changing tone: to Orestes and his retinue, feigning ignorance). Remove the cloth yourself. I was sent to tell you what took place,                               a mournful cry, as your father lay there, reclining at the banquet, when swift blows. like you, a daughter born to Agamemnon [The scene is an open space in front of the royal talk far too much, You’re the one who’s doing the From in there [ 1340 ] is it greater than his urge to feast on Helen ’ no... Dead I have no regard for the woman who dishonoured him in the presence that I was one. Helper of the palace go well inform me I shall hide nothing sophocles' electra translation now on you to. 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Of procne, the only one in the underworld s using hushed in. Pyre, and get away with it introduction and notes by Sir Richard jebb mortal or! Famous Delphic games, to the gods told Agamemnon that the Greek Theatre and practices.

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