iowa utilities board rules

All recalculations resulting in an amount due equal to or greater than the tariff specified minimum shall result in issuance of a back bill. Item 32. 1. Notification of rate increase to customers. Privacy Policy. Item 49. In addition to the foregoing testimony and exhibits, the following information based upon the future test year period shall be filed: (1)Projected rate base balances for both total company and Iowa jurisdictional operations on a monthly basis. "Since last week, the Iowa Utilities Board has continued to work with MidAmerican Energy, Alliant Energy, Black Hills Energy, along with all of our rural electric cooperatives municipal utilities, and their respective utility associations to closely monitor the electric and natural gas supply to ensure that Iowa customers continue to have those services," Huser said. (5)Where the benefits of individual metering (reduced and controlled energy consumption) are more effectively accomplished through a master meter arrangement. The Board is conducting a comprehensive review of its administrative rules in accordance with Iowa Code section 17A.7(2). All material differences between estimated and actual expenses shall be fully supported and justified. For applications proposing an increase in rates based upon a future test year, the utility shall file the following for each forecasted value: (1)If the forecast utilizes a historic test year amount as the starting point for the future test year forecast, the most recent historic amount, which will serve as the starting point for the future test year forecast. Disconnection shall not take place from November 1 through April 1 for a resident who is a head of household and who has been certified to the public utility by the community action agency as eligible for either the low-income home energy assistance program or weatherization assistance program. a. If the board denies a waiver, or if a waiver is not sought with respect to a high demand high-demand customer after the initial month, that customer's meter shall be read monthly for the next 12 months. g. In rate-regulatory proceedings under Iowa Code section 476.6, the board shall consider the use of the most current test period possible in light of existing and verifiable data respecting costs and revenues available as of the date of commencement of the proceedings. If delivery is by other than U.S. mail, the document shall be considered provided to the customer when delivered to the last-known address of the person responsible for payment for the service. (2)Allow for entry into the level payment budget billing plan anytime during the calendar year. d. Refusal by utility. Item 36. Expenses stated by individual for both outside consultants, outside counsel, and utility personnel: Rate case expense shall not include recovery for expenses that are otherwise included in temporary or test year expenses, including salaries for staff preparing the filing, staff attorneys, and staff witnesses. From November 1 through April 1, if the utility cannot reach you by telephone or in person, the utility will put a written notice on the door of or another conspicuous place at your residence to tell you that your utility service will be shut off. This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section, Item 41. Delinquent Payments3. The second version shall be a clean copy of the tariff with all of the proposed tariff language changes incorporated. RMU-2020-0026. These measures shall start with data from the year covered by the first Annual Reliability Report so that by the fifth Annual Reliability Report submittal reliability measures will be based upon five years of data. Amend subparagraph 20.4(15)"d"(8) as follows: (8)Severe cold weather. . "Subsequent proceeding" means the proceeding the board is required to conduct subsequent to the effective date of the rates approved by the board based upon a future test year. The utility may propose an effective date. The utility shall offer customers who have received a disconnection notice or have been disconnected 120 days or less and who are not in default of a payment agreement the option of spreading payments evenly over at least 12 months by paying specific amounts at scheduled times. Disconnection shall not take place from November 1 through April 1 for a resident who is a head of household and who has been certified to the public utility by the community action agency as eligible for either the low-income home energy assistance program or weatherization assistance program. means the per-unit or per-occurrence amounts billed to customers for a recurring or nonrecurring service or commodity rendered or offered by the utility, and any charge, schedule, or regulation which a utility includes in a tariff approved by the board. " Amend subrule 20.2(3) as follows: 20.2(3) Form and identification. The original sheet shall include the following symbols in the right margin to indicate the place, nature, and extent of any text changes. Only in unusual cases or when approval is obtained from the customer shall more than three consecutive estimated bills be, Service areas are defined by the boundaries on service area maps, available for viewing during regular business hours at the board's offices. §476.1B - Applicability of authority — municipally owned utilities. "Participation power" means power and associated energy or energy which is purchased or sold from a specific unit or units on the basis that its availability is subject to prorate or other specified reduction if the units are not operated at full capacity. The return on equity proposed for permanent rates is a cap and is not presumed reasonable for temporary rates. See Iowa Code § 476.20(3)(a) ("The board shall establish rules If the purpose of the rate design is to reflect projected costs, the narrative statement should state how that objective is achieved and be accompanied by a cost analysis that would justify the rate design. A report from a qualified, independent third party stating that the proposed building or renovation will meet the energy savings requirements of this subparagraph shall establish a rebuttable presumption of eligibility for master metering. In proposed settlements which resolve all revenue requirement issues in a rate case proceeding, parties to the settlement shall jointly file the revenue requirement calculations reflecting the adjustments proposed to be settled and the following cost-of-service information: an updated cost-of-service study showing the allocation of costs to customer classes, alternative revenue allocations if applicable, the resulting rates, the revenue verification, and the overall increase to total revenues and base rate revenues by class as compared to test year revenues. Notify your utility that you may be eligible and have applied for energy assistance. "Rates" means the per-unit or per-occurrence amounts billed to customers for a recurring or nonrecurring service or commodity rendered or offered by the utility, and any charge, schedule, or regulation which a utility includes in a tariff approved by the board. b. Hours worked by each attorney engaged as outside counsel and support personnel on a weekly basis. The document shall state that unless the customer notifies the utility within ten days from the date the document is rendered, it will be deemed that the customer accepts the terms as reflected in the written document. L. 101-549, November 15, 1990. If delivery is by other than U.S. mail, the bill shall be considered, when delivered to the last-known address of the party responsible for payment. Applications for a general increase in rates based upon either a historic test year or future test year shall include the filing requirements in this subrule. Although the majority of the adopted amendments are identical to the amendments published in the Notice of Intended Action, the Board adopted some additional changes in response to stakeholder comments received both at the oral comment proceeding and in filings in the Board's electronic filing system. Electrical service point means the point of connection between the electric utility's equipment and the customer's equipment. A utility's filing under this rule will take the form of a proposed tariff with a 90-day effective date along with supporting testimony and exhibits. This ruling is a direct contradiction of the Board's request for Iowa's utilities to develop net metering pilot projects "for the purpose of expanding renewable distributed generation (DG) in Iowa." I understood the Board's aim was to clarify Iowa's net metering rules and encourage development of more solar and wind projects. Item 28. (2)The accrued postemployment benefit obligations have been funded in a board-approved, segregated, and restricted trust account, or alternative arrangements have been approved by the board. 199—26.14(17A,476) Applications pursuant to Iowa Code section. Estimated or, if available, actual expenses shall identify specifically: Outside counsel costs, including support personnel: The name of each attorney contracted for as outside counsel and the names of support personnel. A table that includes the utility's primary customer classes and that, for each class, shows the proposed monthly base rate increase, the proposed monthly base rate increase percentage, the proposed monthly overall increase in the average monthly bill, and the proposed average monthly overall percentage increase. "Allowance forward contract" is an agreement between a buyer and seller to transfer an allowance on a specified future date at a specified price. 26.8(4) If any party, including the consumer advocate, wishes to utilize the electric generating facility exception to the ten-month decision deadline contained in Iowa Code section 476.6, the party shall expeditiously file a motion seeking this exception, including an explanation of that portion of the suspended rates, charges, schedules, or regulations necessarily connected with the inclusion of the generating facility in rate base. c. The text of the message or messages to be given in the general notice to customers. In addition to this information, the utility shall submit in support of the design of the proposed rate a narrative statement describing and justifying the objectives of the design of the proffered rate. b. 26.7(7) The board may schedule any additional hearings to litigate the reasonableness of the final expenses. a. A utility proposing changes in tariffs or rates which relate to a general increase in revenue based upon a historic test year shall prepare and file with its proposed tariff the following evidence in the form of testimony and exhibits. 2.The plan shall identify reliability challenges and may describe specific projects and projected costs. Filing of an application for a general increase in revenue based upon a future test year period shall include the following testimony and exhibits to support the application: a. Requirements for rate increase notices. Upon the resolution of a majority of the board of directors of an electric cooperative or when a majority of the members voting vote to place the cooperative under the jurisdiction of the board, the utilities board shall determine an effective date of its jurisdiction which shall be not more than 90 days from the election. c. Updated rates based upon actual sales for electric service and based upon the board's preferred weather normalization methodology for natural gas utilities. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to natural gas utilities with fewer than 2,000 customers pursuant to Iowa Code section, unless a valid petition is filed with the board pursuant to Iowa Code section. practices related to procurement of and contracting for fuel used in generating electricity. A utility shall delay disconnection for nonpayment of the disputed bill for up to 45 days after the, of the bill if the customer pays the undisputed amount. For those revenue issues included in the proposed settlement which were not specifically resolved, the supporting documentation should identify the range between the positions of the parties. 20.5(5), 25.3 Yes 2. Adopt the following new subrule 20.6(8): 20.6(8) Comprehensive meter upgrade programs. Amend subrule 20.3(6) as follows: 20.3(6) Meter reading and billing interval. f. Frequency of election. Any party to the future test year rate proceeding, or any other party who is granted intervention in the subsequent proceeding, may file prepared testimony, exhibits, and workpapers responding to the utility testimony, exhibits, and workpapers within 30 days of the date the utility files its testimony, exhibits, and workpapers. Dual Party Relay Council Appointmentsb. If the proposed new or changed rate, charge, schedule, or regulation is neither rejected nor approved by the board, the board will docket the tariff filing as a formal proceeding within 30 days after the filing date. Projected information. If delivery is by other than U.S. mail, the document shall be considered provided to the customer when delivered to the last-known address of the person responsible for payment for the service. shall be retained by the utility for at least two years and shall be available for inspection by the board's representatives. (3)The transition obligation is amortized over a period of time determined by the board and does not exceed 20 years. In addition to the information in subrule 26.12(2), evidence of the necessity for the requested rate relief may include, but need not be limited to, utility operating margins which will enable the cooperative to attain and maintain a reasonable ratio of utility long-term debt to retained utility operating margins. The paper copies shall be certified by an officer of the utility or by an attorney representing the utility. If any prefiled testimony or exhibit that is electronically filed before the hearing is altered or corrected at the hearing in any way and admitted into evidence, the sponsoring party must electronically file the altered document at the earliest opportunity, but no later than three business days after the conclusion of the hearing. 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